HELP i’m starting grade 11th and having a breakdown over it.

no, you did not read the title wrong. i am very much having a breakdown and ranting about it on my blog.

(in my defense, i already warned that i would also post about my high school struggles and it’s your fault for following me if you didn’t want to hear about these kinds of stuff πŸ˜›)


i’m going to a new school for the new grade but it’s not gonna be a whole new-school-experience kind of thing because almost all my friends are gonna be there too and it’s more of an academy rather than a school.
today was technically the first day but since i have loose motions (not fun) and i haven’t been feeling better, my parents thought i was better off staying at home.

but all my friends obviously went and the experiences i’ve heard from them are NOT GOOD. at all. in fact on a scale of 0 to 10, it would be a -5.
it’s not like the teachers are bad, or the washrooms are disgusting or that kinda stuff- it’s just that the studies are hard and the teaching is fast. like, none of the teachers asked about the basics or anything- they just went into the topic- no introductions, no course planning, nothing.

plus, we have like 2 hour lectures so they taught a LOT of things and i don’t even have the textbooks so i don’t know how i’m gonna learn anything tomorrow. and none of my friends were able to take decent notes because the teaching was super fast and UGH I AM FREAKING OUT.

if missing one day is causing me so much anxiety then i literally don’t know how i’m gonna survive the next 2 years in this academy. you better send an ambulance.

and fun fact- i’m gonna be there for 8 hours everyday with barely one break for lunch. so yeah, life isn’t looking up for the next 2 years.

ALSO my life has been awry ever since march. before that, i was super organized and my life was super on track. waking up at 5 AM, working out an hour, drinking 4-5 liters water a day, spending time journaling and meditating everyday- that was me.

but then suddenly, my final exams were here and i had to like reschedule EVERYTHING and i just didn’t have time to plan, or meditate, or look after myself anymore. and for some reason, i lost the motivation to do anything even after exams were over.

notion was a huge, huge help and also motivator for having a organized, healthy life for the past 6 months. but nowadays even than doesn’t feel right. i redesigned it a few days ago- changing up images and quotes but nothing really seems to be helping me to plan it all. i- i don’t even know how i’m supposed to be planning it all.

god, i sound like such a pathetic mess rn-


i don’t know what was the point of this post, and i don’t know what response i expect from y’all. tbh i don’t even expect any response from y’all because how can you respond to a post like this?? ig i just had to get it out of my system~

wish me luck!! i’ll update y’all next week and take care!! :’)


and yeah, I NEED MORE TIPS ON HOW TO STRESS ORGANIZE MY LIFE because apparently i’m not a pro at it like i thought.

26 thoughts on “HELP i’m starting grade 11th and having a breakdown over it.

  1. My 11th grade’s gonna start in a week and…I am panicking too. Because I’m going to change my school too and only two of my friends are going to be with me and i am kind of freaking out πŸ˜… I wish wish you all the best for tomorrow and yeah, it’s going to be alright πŸ’–
    Best wishes,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. omg best luck to you too!! tbh the studies and stuff were a bit overwhelming bc i missed yesterday but it’s nothing i can’t learn by myself :)) which stream are you choosing tho? i hope you have a great experience of 11th, it will all be okay when you settle down after the first week kinda phase!! <33


      1. ahh that’s nice!! i was gonna choose pcmb too but then i thought it would be too overwhelming so i just went ahead with pcb. tbh i din’t even want to choose science- i wanted to be in the humanities stream but my parents enrolled me in a science academy and there aren’t any great humanities colleges where i live so i’m doing bio for now haha

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  2. Hii, jahnavi! i totally get how you feel. maybe not exactly, but this is exactly how i felt starting the first couple weeks of 9th grade, everything seems so advanced and complicated, and all the teachers are different – and i know how nervous it is to be going to a new school.. but eventually, you’ll get used to it!πŸ‘
    i used to be really productive last month, studying on my own after school, exercising, and not just being inside the house all day- but during this summer break, i haven’t done a lot of things that are just feels like I’m wasting these holidays πŸ™ƒ
    It takes some time to get back into the flow of being productive, but starting with small things, like waking up 30 mins earlier, drinking lots of water, going for a short walk would really help. (Maybe i should be doing this too🀣- but oh well.)
    I hope everything goes well for 11th grade!! Have a nice dayπŸ’œ

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    1. evin!! thank you so much!! today wasn’t that overwhelming since almost all my friends were there w me, but the studies just seem like too much rn. it’ll get easier tho- everyone in the school says that, including my senior friends so i have hope :))
      honestly tho i don’t know WHY i turn so lazy in the holidays- when in actual life, i plan to be so productive when summer starts 😭 But it’s alright to relax sometime and give up on being productive because tbh we all deserve a break after these last 2 years <33
      yeah, i never had problems with getting back on track before, but this time feels different because i just CAN'T get back into a routine rn :// maybe i should just start with small things rather than forcing big changes for now, because i really feel those things would help. here's to hoping we both get back on track soon πŸ’—
      tysm again!! i hope you're enjoying summer ❀

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  3. Hey, as someone who’s finishing 12th grade up, I get that you’re stressed, but trust me, you’ll get through it. 11th grade is very hard, but try your best, and I’m sure you’ll keep up! And 12th grade gets easier, so that’s a plus! All the best for tomorrow!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahhh thank you so much!! 11th is honestly looking so hard rn- i don’t know how you managed to keep posting so consistently throughout those 2 years. Even tho 12th will have like the better part of the syllabus (or at least that’s what i’ve heard), the pressure just increases sm :((
      ty again!! <33

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  4. You can do it! I know you can. Take a deep, deep breath, and let it out real slow. You can do this. πŸ™‚ Take it one day at a time, and try not to stress. (I know that’s easier said than done.) Eleventh grade is hard, but you can do it.

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  5. Once again, a stunning header 😍😍 but I am sorry to hear how stressful school is. Your days seem very long without much of a break… How can they do that to you?!?! I am sending lots of best wishes and luck your way. It is definitely a good idea to make time to look after yourself, you should be your number 1 priority always.
    The taking notes in a small amount of time is stressful. I am a slow writer so I remember that being a problem for me too. I think I used to write the keywords and use shorthand to connect them. I wonder if any study YouTubers have advice online how to help with that for you!
    Again sending lots of luck and hope you are able to establish a routine that works for you πŸ’—πŸ’›πŸ’—

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    1. god sophie, your comments never fail to make my day πŸ˜­πŸ’•
      i honestly don’t know why they’re keeping us for 8 hours when the actual teaching part is only for 5 hours and we just sit in silence for the next 3 hours (they say it’s for ‘self study’ but we don’t even have the books yet so we can’t actually study anything lol). and yeah, i’m gonna start meditating and journalling again, because those things used to make me feel better and i don’t know why i gave them up πŸ˜₯
      ahh the struggles of being a slow writer 😭😭 i looked up what shorthand is- and i think it might help me?? i mean, i understand what the teacher is talking about in the moment and i write down everything briefly, but idk at home, something always feels wrong when i’m going through my notes. i will look on youtube for that tho- thank you!!
      yepp, i should really get back into a routine shouldn’t i πŸ₯² Anyway, THANK YOU SM ily ty for being here for me <33

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  6. I’m sorry that school is so stressful. You’re already starting to learn hard stuff on the first day? That’s so soon. Just remember that on top of all the school stuff, take breaks. Give your mind a chance to rest.
    I just finished 10th grade, but I know 11th is even harder, so I send you the best of luck for school! ❀

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    1. omg i’m so so sorry for responding late to your comment 😭😭 school is really eating up my time i’m so sorry-
      And ahh, thank you- school is stressful but i’m sort of getting used to it now. I know i should be taking breaks but the first 2 weeks were like a breeze that flew by so fast i didn’t know i held up.
      i hope you have an enjoyable 11th grade, and remember to take time for yourself too!! <33

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  7. AHHH bestie I’m having a breakdown over my freshman year of high school too SO WE’RE IN THIS TOGETHER πŸ˜­βœ‹( ALSO I LOVE HEARING ABOUT THESE KINDS OF STUFF BECAUSE I LIKE THAT I’M NOT ALONE LOLLπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚)
    Also ahhh I hope you love your new school, I’m sure that you’ll start to enjoy it a lot more soon πŸ’– BUT TWO HOUR LECTURES???? HOW DOES ONE CONCENTRATE FOR SUCH A LONG PERIOD OF TIME 😭
    WAKING UP AT 5, WORKING OUT, PLUS STAYING HYDRATED??? you my dear friend are indeed a legend (teach me your ways) but ahhh I hope you really do get your motivation back too πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’– I started my notion a while ago but I just found it too difficult to keep with ahhh πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ

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    1. OMG HELLO I’m SO SO sorry about replying late but also because you’re panicking askfhgfhjkl (dude you’re definitely not alone- i’ve been breaking down like every couple of days lately so yeah ✌️)
      well i’m not sure about *loving* my school since it’s technically an academy and it’s missing so many things of an actual school that are fun but i’m getting used to it!! and I DON’T KNOW BRO 2 HOUR LECTURES SUCK AND PRACTICALLY NO ONE PAYS ATTENTION AFTER A POINT 😭
      asfhjklsgh i USED to do those things in 2021 now i’m just a monotonous, procrastinating sack of potatoes crying too my laptop 😭😭 (well i wish i know what kept me motivated myself but youtube videos certainly helped!) and THANK YOU πŸ’– notion was SUCH a help back in 21, but i agree, it’s kind of exhausting in the first. i recommend looking at other people’s notions on youtube and getting inspiration and just making it into *your* space.
      DUDE THANK YOU SM ILY πŸ˜­πŸ’–πŸ’• AND GOOD LUCK ON YOUR HIGH SCHOOL JOURNEY TOO- feel free to just hit me up anytime and we can both cry about it :)) <333


    and i’m so sorry about school being so stressful and 2 HOUR LONG LECTURES ARE ACTUALLY INSANE???? how are you even supossed to concentrate that long without breaks??? but really really hoping things get better ❀ i am, unfortunately, a terribly slow writer so I UNDERSTAND THAT STRUGGLE OK?? the incredibly fast teaching sucks 😭😭 but please remember to take time off for yourself whenever you need to, ok?? SCHOOL COMES SECOND. YOU’RE FIRST. and i know we haven’t talked much, but i’m always here for you anytime you need to talk! and PLEASE, ‘pathetic mess’ is NOT AT ALL TRUE!! i can relate to this so much and it was nice to know i’m not the only one! plus, if typing all of this HELPED, THEN THAT’S THE BEST THING EVER!!!


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    1. Anoushka hii THANK YOU SM for your words- i’m feeling kind of better if not tired. but THANK YOU!!
      i agreee- 2 hour lectures are like SO painful and boring and torturous 😭😭 I don’t think the faculty here knows how to keep students interested they’re just making zombies out of us at this point. slow writing sucks dude- and there aren’t even any good points on the internet for increasing writing speed 😭 slow writing + fast teaching = how am i even surviving??
      AND OMG THANK YOU πŸ’•πŸ₯Ί thank you thank you thank you for saying all that- you’re so kind to me dude thank you πŸ˜­πŸ™πŸ’– i hope you’ve been having a great summer btw <33

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      1. IKRRRR?!!!! Zombies ahhhh 😭😭 I REALLY HOPE YOURE DOING OKAY!!! ❀❀ how is it going so far??

        ahhhhh THANK YOU SO MUCHHHH!! my summer hasn’t started yet actually 😭 still have a week of school left BUT THEN I MEET FREEDOM!! THANK YOUUUU


  9. omg school sounds so stressful for you ughh i’m also super nervous to start again in august but like it’s going to be okay!!!!!!! we go girl!!!!!!! also whatttt i also have school for 8 hours a day but we have like 3 20 minute breaks and an hour long lunch break??? you can’t get only one break for lunch???? how does that even work???? 😭

    IF IT MAKES YOU FEEL BETTER I GO TO AN IB SCHOOL SO WE HAVE 90 MINUTE BLOCKS (almosttttt two hours) i don’t take slow notes and i’m actually a pretty fast writer but uh i colour code things and highlight my notes and THAT takes a ton of time 😭😭 so now i just write basic notes and highlight and colour code when i’m revising because that helps me remember the concepts as well πŸ₯°πŸ€

    i hope you’re feeling better now!! how was school? πŸ’•


  10. hi janhavi!! sorry this is so late but i just need to exclaim: I LUV YOUR NEW BLOG πŸ’“. i’m already exhausted reading about how hectic your school life is, i hope that one month down the road, you’ve managed to get back to your schedule and all (much love for notion indeed), and that it has eased up for you!! <33


  11. Heyyy I just found out your blog. And I’m pretty sure I’m very late in giving any kind of advise–
    But…i started eleventh standard too, and I took dummy classes so basically i won’t go to school, and will be studying through coachings and preparing for jee. And yes, omg the studies are so freaking hard 😭. I’m gonna have to miss family events and functions and it’s hardly been a month ugh! How’s it going for you?


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